Our aim is to live out our faith
through work in the community. Our style is Biblical, prayerful, practical and down to earth. Our focus is on supporting the family and family life, something which is much needed at the present time.
Our 9.00am service is relaxed and informal while holding on to the Anglican tradition. It features contemporary music as well as old favourites, ideal for families.
We have a well resourced Sunday Club which is available at our 9.00 am service on the first Sunday of each month. Very young children who stay with their parents during the service can enjoy playing with a soft toy bag. We have a well equipped creche if children get fractious.
Children are welcome at all of our services.
We like to think there is something for everyone at MELVILLE ANGLICAN CHURCH.
SUNDAYS 9.00 am. Holy Communion 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month and Morning Prayer on the 3rd Sunday of the month. On the 5th Sunday of the Month we visit a local parishWEDNESDAYS 9.30 am Midweek Prayers (during school term).
Morning and Evening Prayer
The services of Morning and Evening Prayer help Christians to take part in the privelige and duty which belongs to all God’s people. They may be celebrated in a very simple form, or enriched with a variety of optional chants and prayers.
Night Prayer (Compline)
The ancient office of Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion’ (completorium). It is above all a service of quietness before the rest at the end of the day.
Material on these pages is copyright © The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England .