Before Easter, we have Lent. Lent is forty days (not counting Sundays) of fasting and reflection, a solemn time for Christians. But then Easter arrives, and it’s the ultimate victory.
Easter doesn’t stop after Easter Sunday, it keeps going for fifty days; a month and a half of non-stop joy.
Why fifty days?
After Jesus’ resurrection, celebrated on Easter Sunday, he was on Earth with the disciples for forty days. After those forty days, Jesus went back to heaven (the ascension).
But there are still ten days.
These ten days lead up to a special event called Pentecost. Pentecost (sometimes called WhitSunday) celebrates the day that the disciples and other followers of Jesus were gifted with the Holy Spirit.
Easter isn’t just a one day it’s a whole season of joy, hope, and new beginnings. It’s a time for Christians to celebrate.
A Prayer for Eastertide
Loving Father,
You search for your children
and invite us to come home,
give us your love and passion
for those we know
who stand far off from you.
Beckoning Jesus,
You called your disciples to follow you
and remain in your love,
teach us to pray and to long for
your presence in our lives.
Empowering Spirit,
You breathed new life
into timid disciples,
fill us with confidence to proclaim
the Good News of Jesus.
God of invitation,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
help us to respond to you
and bring others to your love.